Three men have been arrested in Shipley after drugs were discovered by police in the underwear of one of the men.
At 10.30am on the 24th of March, officers from the Bradford Organised Crime Unit observed a man on Festival Avenue, who they believed was about to commence a drug deal. A red Kia pulled up to the man, so the police moved in to seize the vehicle and to search for drugs.
The 19-year-old driver and the 36-year-old passenger, both believed to be from Bradford, were arrested on suspicion for possession with intent to supply, along with a 35-year-old man from Shipley, suspected of intending to purchase the drugs.
It is believed heroin and crack cocaine were recovered from the underwear of one of the men, as well as an amount of cash.
The men have been released on bail whilst the police conduct further enquiries.