A new study by experts at the Welcome Trust Sanger Institute suggests their research indicates a new drug used as part of “Biological therapies” could treat 1 in 5 patients of Breast Cancer.
The scientists claim around 10,000 women a year in the UK could benefit from the new type of breast cancer treatment which is currently only available as part of clinical trials.
One form of the drug olaparib, is already used on the NHS to treat advanced ovarian cancer. It is not yet approved as a breast cancer drug, although some UK women are taking it in the trials.
Baroness Delyth Morgan, from Breast Cancer Now association said: These early results are a revelation; we hope it could now lead to a watershed moment in treating the disease,"
One of the researchers, Dr Helen Davies, said there was also the potential to treat other types of cancers with these drugs. However even without Drugs there are things that can help Women can lower their lifetime risk of breast cancer by exercising regularly, eating a good diet, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding cigarettes and limiting how much alcohol they drink.