Relief crews remain at the scene of Lumb Lane, Manningham this morning following yesterday’s major mill fire, which started just after 11.20am. At its height 25 fire engines and more than 125 firefighters attended the scene and have been praised by fire chiefs for their determined efforts to bring the inferno under control and prevent it spreading to nearby buildings in the locality.
Around 100 people living in surrounding properties and from local businesses were evacuated due to carbon monoxide levels in the area.
They are today being allowed back to their homes.
Fortunately no members of the public have been injured as a result of the fire and neither have any firefighters.
This morning seven fire engines remain at the scene damping down as senior officers work alongside Bradford Council and their structural engineers, considering potential demolition of the significantly damaged building.
Temporary Assistant Chief Fire Officer Ian Bitcon said: “The fire was initially in the basement of a building which was part of the mill complex.
“By nature basement fires are incredibly difficult to tackle because there is nowhere for the heat and smoke to go.
“Firefighters were committed into this incredibly arduous and high risk environment and worked courageously to stop the fire spreading to the rest of the mill.
“Despite their determined efforts the fire broke out and spread very quickly to the adjacent mill buildings.
“Throughout my entire career I can honestly say I have never seen firefighters work as hard as they did to try and knock this fire back.”
As the blaze spread to the four storey mill building (adjacent to Lumb Lane) and a five storey building at the rear of the site, officers made the tactical decision to remove crews from inside for their own safety.
From this point the fire was fought from the outside with priority being prevention of further spread to nearby properties, including Green Lane School.
Temp ACO Ian Bitcon added: “This fire was ferocious and the intense heat at close proximity was stifling.“The height of the fire was at around 3pm and it was under control by 10.30pm, and it is thanks to the firefighters that did not spread elsewhere. “The building has suffered significant damage and structural collapse, so our priority today is working alongside our partners to determine the next steps.” The cause of the fire remains under investigation.
The public is still advised to use caution today and stay away from the area if possible as there are still smoke plumes - keep windows closed if possible.