Grange Technology College, Bradford’s largest school, has made positive steps on the path to improving from last year’s Ofsted report.
With pupil numbers of around 1,800 and struggling to maintain a full complement of permanent staff, the school was judged “inadequate” by inspectors in June 2016. After a monitoring visit in March, inspectors have written to the new head teacher, Alison Mander, to say that they believe the school is now on the right track and that the new leadership at the school “is the engine behind the drive for improvement.”
The inspectors also said: “The head teacher’s authoritative presence, combined with her strong commitment to the progress and welfare of each pupil, permeates the school. Staff and pupils are unanimous in their respect for the positive changes being implemented. Trustees have made progress in improving the use of pupil premium funding. Pockets of highly effective teaching in different subjects and different year groups were evident.”